Disaster Management Camp - Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS)

Disaster Management Camp

“Effective Preparedness for a Better Response”

In 2006, the annual field training Disaster Management Camp (DMC) saw its debut as a small project that centered around disaster preparedness, just to evolve very soon into a promising program with bigger objectives and scope. Year after year, it expanded its vision and attracted broader regional and global attention. Now, it is on the agenda of the United Nations, the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and the Secretariat-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

Through this camp, Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) seeks to build the capacity of society members, who constitute much of its resources and power. The objectives of DMC are to (1) recruit young talent and develop their experience and skills, (2) build up a well-trained base of volunteers who are qualified in disaster response and relief, (3) enhance coordination with the concerned organizations and authorities, (4) help society to recover from any future disasters, and (5) minimize casualties and property losses by being ready in advance at all times.

Over the years, the widely celebrated event graduated hundreds of volunteers, who later engaged with their organizations in disaster response efforts and shared their acquired expertise with their colleagues. This exceptional success accumulated over the camp’s eight editions of 2006, 2007, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, and 2018.

The proven track record of DMC reflects how the State of Qatar attaches great importance to the control of natural disasters, as well as international cooperation to reduce their impact. The camp is an efficient means for producing a culture of preparedness and spreading knowledge of the world’s latest disaster response tools. It is thanks to the government and nongovernment support that DMC continued and grew over the years.

As the only Arabic-speaking specialized training of its kind, DMC is eagerly awaited by many national and international government organizations and NGOs. It is usually hosted by the Marine Scouts Camp in Al-Khor. Every year, it is attended by an average of 300 trainees, including representatives of government organizations and NGOs in Qatar, along with volunteers from Arab National Societies and QRCS. They are supervised by a group of expert disaster management trainers.

This field training is part of a year-round disaster management training program aimed at raising public awareness of the risks of disasters and how to face them. To that end, it tries to create a cadre of volunteers with the necessary know-how to deal with disasters under global standards, to be deployed at times of emergency. It comprises workshops and basic/advanced courses on the different areas related to disaster management. Inspired by an underlying strategy of mobilizing the youth’s energy in voluntary work, the program sees capacity-building as a national priority under Qatar National Vision 2030, with a view to social stability and national preparedness.

Registration for the Disaster Management Camp:

Participation in the Disaster Management Camp (DMC) is open to all the public. Every year, the registration period is announced via the website and social media channels of Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS).

 9th Disaster Management Camp

Exceptional Preparedness for an Exceptional Event

The 9th edition of Disaster Management Camp (DMC) in the run-up to the biggest sports event: FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. This requires the highest standard of institutional disaster management preparations. DMC is the MENA region’s most important capacity-building program aimed at enhancing the skills of disaster management professionals & training first responders.​

Why Disaster Management Cam​​p -9 Is Special

  • Specialized field training in emergency shelter & other services to affected people (water & sanitation, food, health, etc.) using international-standard equipment, to graduate well-trained volunteers for engagement in the shelter plan.
  • Dealing with crowds in emergencies, which is a good opportunity of disaster management capacity-building for organizations preparing for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.
  • Using international-standard disaster management equipment & graduating persons qualified in disaster response.
  • Practical training in field hospitals with an integrated field hospital to be deployed & operated on-site.
  • Training in management of emergency operations management & how to use operations room for effective coordination & response.
  • All trainees will have a documentary on DMC-9 & institutional participations will be given wide visibility.
  • Participants: GCC Secretariat-General, ICRC, IFRC, UN, Arab National Societies.
  • Humanitarian Tent lectures will cover important humanitarian topics & discussions with VIP guest speakers.

Disaster Management Camp -9 Objectives

  • Main Objective:

    To improve the capabilities of Qatari institutions & build the disaster preparedness/response capacity among the participants.

  • Secondary Objectives:
    • To create a well-trained team specialized in disaster management to ensure a better response to mass risks.
    • To exchange experience with National Societies & Qatari institutions in mass disaster response.
    • To utilize World Cup preparations for applying the best practices of mass risk reduction.

Disaster Management Camp -9 Description

  • Duration: 10 days From 21/02/2023 to 02/03/2023
  • Trainers: 40 internationally certified trainers
  • Trainees: 300 participants from:
    • Qatar Civil Defense & government organizations
    • Qatari private-sector companies interested in training their staff
    • Arab Red Crescent Societies
    • Local & international humanitarian organizations
    • QRCS’s volunteers with disaster management training

Training Areas

  • Emergency shelter & crowd management
  • Climate change
  • Logistics & warehouse management
  • Safe access
  • Field assessment & coordination
  • Sphere Project
  • Media & communication
  • Emergency operations management
  • Restoring family links
  • Psychological support
  • Public health in emergency
  • Water & sewage
  • Field hospitals
  • Nutrition in emergency
  • Emergency planning
  • International Humanitarian Law

Disaster Management Camp -9 Outcomes

  • Enhancement of QRCS’s role as a voluntary & medical services provider in the preparation for FIFA World Cup 2022.
  • Coordination with government organizations concerned with disaster preparedness & response.
  • Capacity-building for local & regional organizations through practical disaster/emergency control training.
  • Creation of groups of participants from local organizations for engagement in disaster management.
  • Participants granted disaster management certification.
  • Selection of outstanding participants among national/regional intervention personnel.
  • 13 experienced Qatari trainers & assistants engaged in training at DMC-9.
  • Members trained in working at DMIC to collect initial disaster information & issue relief appeals.
  • Qatari personnel engaged in disaster management programs through QRCS’s foreign representation missions/offices.​


 Social-Humanitarian Tent

Over the DMC duration, a social-humanitarian tent receives the trainees and outside visitors, including school students and the general public, who attend lectures on a wide range of topics relating to social and humanitarian work. These lectures are delivered by a select group of experts in the fields disaster management, the international humanitarian law (IHL), and human rights.​​


During the training days, unexpected scenarios are implemented, with the goal of evaluating the trainees’ achievement and ability to respond to emergencies. An expanded field training is held in preparation for the disaster simulation scenario on the closing day of the camp.​​

 Training Program

The training program of Disaster Management Camp is divided into two parts

  • Specialized Training, which covers six sectors
    • Shelter and registration
    • Water and sanitation
    • Nutrition and distribution
    • Health in emergency
    • Emergency planning
    • Field assessment and coordination
  • General Training, which includes seven specializations
    • “Sphere Project”
    • Media & communication in emergency
    • Restoring family links
    • Safer access
    • Psychological support
    • Disaster management
    • Leadership in humanitarian work​

 About DMC


To raise public awareness and ensure capacity-building to deal with crises and disasters locally and worldwide.


  • Better disaster management capacities among QRCS volunteers and staff
  • More interaction from Qatari society with​ disaster preparedness
  • Improved coordination with National Societies and Qatari institutions in relation to disaster response


  • Duration: 10 days
  • Number of Trainers: 40
  • Number of Trainees: 300 participants, including:
    • Representatives of Qatari government bodies and NGOs
    • QRCS volunteers trained in disaster management
    • Representatives of friendly National Societies and relief agencies​